Every empire begins from a small piece of land and then becomes gigantic. You can take the example of any empire in the world; small beginnings create bigger empires.

The Ottoman Empire started as a small group led by Osman I in the early 1300s. Over time, it grew into a large and powerful empire. The Ottoman emperors included not just powerful sultans but also great ones like Suleiman the Magnificent and conqueror sultans like Mehmed Fatih. Because of Mehmed Fatih, by 1453, the Ottomans had taken over many lands, including Constantinople, a very important city.

Early Growth of the Ottoman Empire

Osman I was a leader in a small area in Anatolia (now Turkey). 

After the Mongols destroyed the Seljuq Sultanate, there was a power gap. To fill this power vacuum in the regions of Anatolia, Osman and his followers used this chance to take over more land. 

His son, Orhan, pushed the empire’s borders into Europe by taking control of Thrace.

Key Conquests of Ottomans

Europe was the growing power back then, and the entry to Europe was the road to riches. One of the big successes the Ottomans had was capturing Gallipoli in 1354. This gave the Ottomans a way to enter Europe and also provided them with a naval base. Over the next 100 years, under leaders like Murad I and Bayezid I, the empire expanded further into Europe and Asia. But there were challenges too. The Timurid dynasty made everything difficult for the Ottomans. In 1402, the Ottomans lost a big battle to Timur, which slowed down their growth.

Military Strength of Ottomans

The Ottomans built a strong army early on. The Janissaries were elite soldiers who played a key role in protecting the empire. The Ottomans were also one of the first in Europe to use gunpowder weapons like cannons, which they used to win battles, including the famous siege of Constantinople.

Warfare is all about engineering. If you have better weaponry in war, the war is all yours.

The Ottomans were smart in using the skills of people from the lands they conquered. They included local soldiers, both Muslim and Christian, in their army. This helped them adapt and grow stronger.

Smart Strategies used by Ottomans

The Ottomans didn’t just rely on force. They also used smart strategies like marriages and alliances to expand their influence. Marriage improves ties, and in old times, these marital relations helped them.

Orhan married a Byzantine princess, which helped the Ottomans gain more power. They also kept local systems in place in the lands they conquered, which made it easier for people to accept Ottoman rule. The marriage of Mara and Murad II also made the Ottomans stronger. So much so that after the death of Murad II, Mara helped Murad’s son Mehmed in the wars for Constantinople. Her strategic importance was at its peak.

Conquering Constantinople

The biggest achievement during this time was taking over Constantinople in 1453. Led by Mehmed II, the Ottomans used advanced military tactics, including large cannons, to break through the city’s defenses. This victory marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and made the Ottomans the most powerful force in the region.

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