In today’s blog on Mundus 2035, we will discuss the battle of Dorylaeum, how it happened, who won the Battle of Dorylaeum, and how Kilij Arslan used different tactics for attacking the crusaders when they were completely unaware of the attack.
The following block diagram will give you a general idea about the blog.

Before the Battle of Dorylaeum
Crusaders now have tasted the first joy of victory. It was essential for them to move forward and claim their ultimate reward. After all, Nicaea was just one city they won. They had to clear many more hurdles before conquering Jerusalem and establish their claim on the Holy Land.
Importance of Byzantine emperor Alexios
When Franks and Latins were unable to establish their hold on the Siege of Nicaea, Alexios helped them conquer the city. Later on, the Nicaea city was under the command of Alexios and not under the Franks and Latins. Nicaea city surrendered to Alexios, and now it was part of the Byzantine empire.
Alexios was the king of the mighty Eastern Roman Empire. Alexios secured his dominance because of his military power and the Wisdom he provided to Latins and Franks. He told them what kind of weapons are necessary to use under different scenarios. His reputation was well known, so everyone followed his word of advice.
Byzantine emperor Alexios faced the Turkish threat before, and he had the experience of taking arms against them. His expertise was worth of share and benefitted Latins and Franks.
On the Grounds of Battle of Dorylaeum
The Crusade army was big, and it was challenging to keep pace with every soldier. It is nearly impossible to walk in a Marching row with seventy thousand people. So, the crusaders divided themselves into two groups.
Group 1 lead by: Italian Normans and Robert Normandy
Group 2 lead by: Godfrey, Robert, and some other southern French.
At first, Group 1 set off before group 2. The distance between these two groups was at least 2-3 days away. Their rendezvous (meeting point) point was decided at the South- East of Dorylaeum.
What is Dorylaeum?
It is an ancient city in Asia Minor. At the time of the Crusade, it was an abandoned Byzantine Military camp. Today, Dorylaeum is an archaeological site located near Eskisehir.
Constantinople was the Capital of Byzantine, and the distance between Eskisehir to Constantinople is about 300 kilometers. So, with this metric, you can understand that the crusaders are still not too far away from their Roman Empire and the Dorylaeum was a Byzantine military camp.
Still, later, as the attacks on Asian minor parts of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) increased, the Byzantine Empire lost control over those regions.
You need to understand that even when the crusaders reached the Dorylaeum, Jerusalem was still 1500-1600 kilometers away from them.
Kilij Arslan – King Who started the Battle of Dorylaeum
Kilij wanted his revenge for the siege Against Nicaea city, so he gathered a massive Turkish army to crush the Crusade just like he did previously with the People’s Crusade.
Luck was in favor of Kilij because he knew that the army is divided into two parts. It is easy for him to conquer the half army rather than conquer the entire Crusade army.
He had the advantage, and the Crusaders were basically in his regions.
So it offered him a vantage point, and he waited till Bohemond’s and Robert’s forces set their foot on the open ground.
Kilij changed his tactics this time; when the siege of Nicaea happened, it was the city that Kilij had to protect.
He was immovable because he was in no position to lose the city. It was an essential part of Asia Minor.
But this time, he used the Mobility technique, which was new for the Latin Crusaders. The Latins heavily relied on the Disciplined armed strength and heavy armor.
Kilij formed a group of archers who can shoot the arrows while riding the horse. A militant group formed by the lightly armed but Agile horseman.
Battle of Dorylaeum
When Group 2 came near the Dorylaeum. Kilij waited for the night and attacked them on the first light. This attack was at its peak for the first five hours. Still, the Crusaders sustained it because of the efficient leadership of Robert and Godfrey. Later on, it was a winning side for the crusaders because Group 1 already received the news of Group 2 getting under attack by the Turks. They arrived swiftly, and, as a result, the Ambush of Kilij turned into the Open land slaughter. In this battle, there were at least 3000 Muslim casualties, and 4000 crusaders were dead.
At the beginning of the Battle, Kilij killed many innocent people with the crusader warriors to visit their Holy Pilgrimage Jerusalem. But after this battle, Kilij understood that it is better to ignore these crusaders from now because this battle gave the significance of the might and strong will of the Crusaders army. From the Christian Crusaders Perspective, this battle also cheered their hopes as now they realized that on any land and in any condition, they can now win the war.
Ultimately this Battle cherished the hopes of Christian Crusaders and this winning lifted their spirits and encouraged them to move towards Jerusalem with their full potential.
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